You are wondering what platforms to build apps for today?

  • … there are only two relevant platforms in the market: iPhone and Android. No other platform has users with an app download pattern. In other words, only users of iPhone- and Android-phones download apps to any relevant degree.
  • … Windows Mobile 6.x-, Symbian-, and Blackberry-users are not downloading apps to any noticeable degree… rendering these platforms irrelevant.
  • … Windows Phone 7 is very likely to do better than its predecessor, but still there are no phones on the market… rendering this platform irrelevant (if the keyword is “today”)

Since the iPhone is the forerunner, start out your app-adventure on the iPhone. Don’t take any shortcuts. Go Objective C and Cocoa Touch. Then broaden and include Android.
Keep an eye on the next generation Symbian-, Blackberry- and WP7 phones, but don’t waste energy there today.

This strategy will be good at least to January 2011.