Technology injected into your body
Do you think that wearable technology, like wristbands and glasses, is leading edge? Maybe it is but we are already seeing the next step, and it’s literally bleeding edge.
The trend is called “body modification” and it’s not the kind where people have surgery to change the shape of body parts (yes, that exists too). The digital version of “body modification” involves injecting sensors and connected technology into your body. In many ways, it’s about adding new senses and body capabilities just as wearable technology although without the risk of losing or forgetting external devices. Some current applications include identification (RFID/NFC – no more need of passwords or keys), blood pressure/temperature sensors, hearing colors, and absolute direction (compass).
A few months ago I met Tim Cannon, a biohacker with (at the time) two implants of technology in his body. He explained: “We know already that technology can improve our bodies, so why not be proactive about it and start testing this?” Tim had one sensor in his finger for detecting magnetic fields and an RFID tag in his hand.
I don’t think we’ll see this go mainstream in the next three years, but give wearable technology ten years to create an ecosystem foundation and it will start to make sense to insert technology into your body. Check out the articles “5 Body Modifications That Can Give You A Sixth Sense” and The man with a digital tattoo for some real-life examples.