Elegance attracts and app design
Successful apps have a number of common characteristics. Apart from the obvious, such as relevant functional scope and context-relevance, I believe that elegance is the most fundamental. Never before have non-designers been so engaged in concept and design discussions as today. Elegance attracts. I’m collecting great…
Objects Of Desire
We are spoiled, ‘consumerized’ users of technology nowadays. We expect compelling, aesthetic user experiences as a default and we want to use our own, favourite devices. If that expectation is not met, we disconnect; in our role as consumers, but just as much as enterprise…
Skeuomorphism is not dead
In the aftermath of Apple replacing Scott Forstall with Jony Ive as head of iOS (and more), I am seeing articles, posts and tweets about the death of skeuomorphism. The reason is reported to relate to the fact that Scott is in favor of using…
Crayons and online services
Are we seeing a new online design trend emerge? I just spotted the similarities between the design of some pages from Dropbox and Vimeo. Instead of just the clean and techy design, it seems they have picked the crayons for some hand-drawn awesomeness. I like….
Making apps like strawberry cakes
I just made a strawberry cake for my daughter’s birthday. While making it, I figured that it’s really like making a great app. First you need to know some basic requirements. Starting off with a recipe you believe in helps. Then you need to balance out…