Join the team in San Francisco!

“Happiness is to write code that is useful for others”, is how I started an essay in 7th grade.

Countless times since then, I’ve rediscovered that impactful innovation actually is about happiness, code, and usefulness. More than ever before, we are all dependent on exploring new impactful ideas – together and using new insights, approaches, and technologies.

This is why we are thrilled to be hiring new innovation magicians at the Applied Innovation Exchange in San Francisco. This is where we engage with many of the most exciting brands in the world, in the most vibrant innovation ecosystem, and addressing the most intriguing new opportunities and pressing challenges.

The team connects the dots in making the impossible possible. Applying successful patterns of ideas in new contexts. Fearlessly exploring emerging technologies. Always led by purpose and passion.

Read more below about the role and don’t hesitate to reach out directly to me!

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